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post #58 : Reason's why I don't have a Girlfriend #1



Qasem receives a text from his girlfriend.


Qarina : U kat mane?

"Hadui, dia text daaaaah", Qasem said under his breath. Qasem unwittingly text back, hoping no drama will unfold.

Qasem : I dekat mamak dengan budak-budak nih. Kenape u?

Sending. Sent. Qasem waited anxiously for her reply.


Qarina : U buat ape? Dari tadi tak text I?

"S**t!", Qasem whispered again. This time he caught the attention of his friend besides him, Qamarol.

"Everything's okay dude? ", Qamarol sounds concern yet can't take his eyes of the big screen showing the live telecast of Setokk FC v Manchester United FC.

"It's Qarina", Qasem let out a huge sigh.

"Owh. Ghumah tangga depa, aku taknak masuk campoq!", knowing too well what type of girl Qarina was.

Qasem replied. 

Qasem : Sori syg.Fokus sgt tgk bola smpi lupe nk text u. =)

Sending. Sent. Qasem grab his Balckberry Bold 9930 tightly.As if doing that could change the situation that he will find himself in.


Qarina : Dapat tengok bola terus lupa kat I kan? Untungla dapat bf cam u.esok ade anak sume ajar tengok bola lupekan mak die terus! Tengokla bola u tuh smpi kiamat. kang da kiamat kang barula text i balik k.bai!

Qasem buried his face onto the table sideways. 

"Meghajok lagi ka depa?", Qamarol asked, knowing the answer so well.

Qassem smiled. Turned his attention back to his smartphone, clicked on the delete button, and turned off his phone for good. 

"Nasib ko la nak mrajok-mrajok. Layan game lagi best!", Qasem said to himself and swiftly focusing his attention to the goal that Nani just scored. He roared! And celebrated the goal, unknowingly that Qarina was roaring how bad Qasem was as a bf to her roomates. 


Naqiu said...

Pernah terjadi kt diri sndri ke bro?lol

Faisal Rasyid Roslan said...

hehe.ini pengalaman orang.bukan aku.exgf aku sume baik2 belaka. =)

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