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post #22 : Say hello to comic me!

So here's the thing. Lately I have soo many ideas and fruit thought (translate: buah fikiran. LOL!) to do my post but majority of em wouldn't sound great if I merely write it down and hoping for your imagination to kick in. So I thought, how the hell do I share my imagination with you guys, (as if I have THAT much of followers.....)? 

Nuff said, starting from today onwards, some of my post will either be full of writings and shit stuff, or it would be webcomic-based and awesome!

Keep on reading my peeps!

Ow and btw, say hello to comic me!

Or as my Electronics & Microprocessor's lecturer would say,

"HEELLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO". hahaha! Sweet memories Dr. Hoole.

ps: updates on "The truth about being Malaysian.part3" & will start back on "Malaysian weekly"!


DAUD said...

cepatla post comic ko,
aku nak baca.

biha said...

erkk the comic ayed takde rupe ayed pn?

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