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Deruman enjin kedengaran di perkarangan no.23, Jalan Bandar Iskandar 3, Bandar Iskandar, Johor Bahru. Sebaik sahaja Myvi SE merah garang itu diparkir kedalam rumah, terus enjinnya dimatikan. Selang 1 minit kemudian pintu hadapan pemandu terbuka. Maka lengkaplah isi rumah no.23, Jalan Bandar Iskandar 3 nih. 


Kunci rumah terjatuh. Penat agaknya bekerja, sampai nak pegang kunci rumah nak bukak pintu pun tak larat.

Isi rumah semua dah tido. Tengok jam, baru pukul 12.30 a.m. Biasanya hidup lagik isi rumah nih. 

"OHH!", monolognya dalam hati. Barangkali dia tahu kenapa isi rumah nih semua dah senyap sunyi.

Rumah tetap panas walaupun dah tengah malam camnih. Maklumlah, rumah bujang sewa sampai 10 orang satu rumah. Kalau satu badan manusia normal boleh melepaskan haba pendam sebanyak 41 Watt per metre square ketika metabolasi, darablah dengan 10 kepala. Mahu tak panasnye!

Beach shorts dengan singlet hitam ala Tyler Durden menjadi peneman empunya badan malam-malam camnih. Mandi kerbau pun dah cukup. Kerja dalam aircond tadelah berpeluh mane pon. Dengan tuala masih berbelit dekat leher terus Aqram bukak laptop kesayangan die. Sebelum tido nih kalo tak dapat online tengok notification dekat Facebook tak sah! Manelah tahu kot-kot ade lah awek yang main poke-poke saje. Bolehlah ayat ajak kuar tengok movie ke bagai. Kuat perasan betul budak Aqram nih.

Tapi, Aqram terlupa sebab kenapa die tak online sehari suntuk hari nih. Sebaik sahaja Aqram click icon Facebook kat newsfeed die, satu demi satu gambar jubah ungu, topi mortar, gelak tawa siswa-siswi, gambar mem'background'kan rak2 buku, gambar candid dalam dewan, and yang paling banyak skalik, gambar coursemates Aqram bersuke ria lengkap berjubah ungu oren sambil masing-masing memegang segulung ijazah replika terpampang megah dekat skrin die.

Tersenyum Aqram sorang-sorang dekat ruang tamu rumah. Aqram scroll lagi ke bawah. Dan lagi. Dan lagi. Sambil mengamati muka-muka yang dia kenal. Tergelak sekejap Aqram tengok gambar member die kena lambung dengan budak-budak lain. "Mentang-mentanglah dia kecik, korang lambung-lambung ikut suka hati korang plak kan? Haha!", Aqram bermonolog. 

Sempat jugak dia usha komen gambar-gambar yang die tengok. 

Dzulfadli : Sape yang lambung aku tadik, jangan  harap dpt naik keta aku lagi pasnih. Huh!
Mukriz : Ala relaxla dzul.Sape suruh ko comel sgt.kan da kena lambung!haha.
Sabiq : "comel"?Mukriz, gaaaaayyyyyyy!
Mukriz : Haha.diamla Sabiq.Kalo ko kurus sikit tadi dengan kau aku lambung!haha.

Ade jugak member yang tag Aqram dalam gambar-gambar tuh. Tag kat beg lah, kat topi mortar lah, dekat batang hidung member die pon ade gak. Aqram tergelak kecil. 

"Diorang nih terlupa agaknya. Takpelah", detik Aqram dalam hati. Tangan Aqram masih dengan mouse putihnya. Khusyuk betul Aqram belek gamba-gamba graduasi coursematenye dalam Facebook. Tanpa disedari, airmata Aqram turun setitik demi setitik, jatuh keatas pehanya. 

*        *        *

"Kau tak malu ke?", Haji Arshad dingin. Matanya tajam menuju ke rancangan PGA Tour kegemarannya. Namun, kedingingan suasana di ruang tamu rumah Haji Arshad tetap dapat dirasai.

"Jawablah cakap abah, kau tak malu ke?", Haji Arshad tenang melontarkan soalan. Aqram memandang elok bapanya yang sedang bersandar santai. 

Aqram mendiamkan diri, mengalihkan pandangannya dari Haji Arshad yang seolah-olah meluat untuk memandang Aqram ketika ini. Ruang tamu rumah senyap seketika. Hanya ulasan komentar terhadap pukulan under par Phil Mickelson sahaja yang kedengaran.

"Itulah kau. Sibok sangat berdrama, berlakon lah ape! Belajar ke mane, disiplin ke mane", Haji Arshad masih lagi tenang dan dingin. 

Aqram masih tak mahu memandang Haji Arshad. Tak berani dia nak bertentangan mata dengan Haji Arshad waktu-waktu period camnih. Haji Arshad menoleh ke arah Aqram, kemudian kembali ke televisyen.

"Abah dulu wakil UiTM main takraw, tiap-tiap petang training, tiap-tiap weekend Abah merempit pegi Shah Alam, boleh je grad on time!", ujar Haji Arshad. Aqram terdiam seribu bahasa.

"Engkau, Abah dah bagi duit, dah bagi keta, dah bagi kemudahan semua. Kenapa tiba-tiba kena extend pulak? SPM bagus, Matrik bagus, tiba-tiba masuk UM terus hilang pandai kau?".

Tersentap Aqram seketika. Terasa darah dari badanya terus hinggap ke muka. Malunya Aqram hanya dia sorang saje yang tahu. Hajah Hanisah jugak tiba-tiba berhenti melipat kain di dalam biliknya. Rupanya dari awal lagi Hajah Hanisah mencuri dengar perbualan suami dengan anak sulungnya. Ibarat isi dan kuku, Hajah Hanisah juga tersentap dengan apa yang terpacul dari mulut suaminya itu. 

Aqram menoleh ke Haji Arshad. Mahu sahaja Aqram menyelam ke benak fikiran bapanya itu. Apakah benar dia baru sahaja memaksudkan dirinya bodoh? Bodoh sebab extend satu sem? Bodoh sebab tak mampu nak grad on time? Haji Arshad lansung tak menoleh kembali. Ternyata marahnya Haji Arshad pada Aqram masih marak. 

"Aqram masuk tido dulu Abah. Dah lewat sangat nih. Kang tak terbangun sahur plak kejap lagi", Aqram cuba untuk mencarik alasan untuk lari daripada terus menadah telinganya. Cukuplah untuk satu malam jiwanya direntap oleh bapa sendiri.

Haji Arshad diam sahaja, lansung tak menghiraukan permintaan Aqram. Aqram berlalu masuk kedalam biliknya. Pintu terus dikunci. Hatinya malam itu bagaikan dihenyak batu lesung.Sudah lunyai lagi dihentam. 

"Insyallah esok lagi baik dari hari nih", Aqram penuh mengharap sambil matanya terus layu diempuk bantal.

*        *        *

Aqram masih lagi membelek laman Facebook. Sudah habis satu album, album lain pula di bukanya. Kini album housematenya pula yang menjadi santapan mata. Semuanya elok berjubah & bertopi mortar. Aqram tersenyum sendirian lagi. Air matanya masih degil mengalir.

Sebenarnya, sudah puas isi rumahnya memujuk Aqram untuk bersama-sama memeriahkan majlis graduasi diorang. Maklumlah, bukan selalu dapat pakai jubah & topi mortar. Mestilah nak diraikan dengan teman rapat. Tapi awal-awal lagi Aqram tolak. Segan katanya. Semua isi rumah pakai jubah, Aqram sorang je pakai t-shirt & jeans, mestilah segan.

Tapi bukan segan yang menjadi alasan. Aqram malu sebenarnya. Malu dengan Haji Arshad, malu dengan Hajah Hanisah, malu dengan coursematenya, malu dengan rakan seperjuangan yang lain. Aqram tak biasa dengan kegagalan. Jadi bila dah gagal takkan nak tunjuk muka dekat orang yang dah berjaya. Kenalah sorok. Kalau boleh taknak tahu pun diorang grad hari tuh. Kalau boleh taknak tengok pon gambar-gambar diorang pakai jubah, bergambar sakan bagai. Pedih hati, kata Aqram.

Satu demi satu Aqram untag gambar-gambar yang ade namenya seblom nih. "Diorang lupa kot aku tak grad sekalik. Takpelah", ujar Aqram sendirian. Banyak jugak gambar yang Aqram terpaksa untag. Tapi akhirnya berjaya jugak. Selesai, Aqram belek gambar-gambar tuh sepintas lalu. Puas hati, Aqram tutup laptopnya dan terus naik ke bilik untuk beradu.

Tiga badan lesu terbaring kaku sebaik sahaja Aqram masuk ke biliknya. 3 jubah ungu tergantung kemas di tetiang almari milik mereka. Aqram terus menuju ke katilnya, tidak menghiraukan jubah ungu yang tergantung rapi. 

Aqram terus melelapkan matanya. Namun sebak hatinya masih terasa. Fikirannya masih terngiangkan imej coursematenya yang tampak ceria bergelak ketawa sambil berjubah di tengah-tengah panas matahari. Airmatanya masih degil untuk berhenti. Namun lansung tak dihiraukannya.

Sambil menepuk bantalnya Aqram sempat berkata, "Insyallah esok lebih baik dari hari nih". 



Qasem receives a text from his girlfriend.


Qarina : U kat mane?

"Hadui, dia text daaaaah", Qasem said under his breath. Qasem unwittingly text back, hoping no drama will unfold.

Qasem : I dekat mamak dengan budak-budak nih. Kenape u?

Sending. Sent. Qasem waited anxiously for her reply.


Qarina : U buat ape? Dari tadi tak text I?

"S**t!", Qasem whispered again. This time he caught the attention of his friend besides him, Qamarol.

"Everything's okay dude? ", Qamarol sounds concern yet can't take his eyes of the big screen showing the live telecast of Setokk FC v Manchester United FC.

"It's Qarina", Qasem let out a huge sigh.

"Owh. Ghumah tangga depa, aku taknak masuk campoq!", knowing too well what type of girl Qarina was.

Qasem replied. 

Qasem : Sori syg.Fokus sgt tgk bola smpi lupe nk text u. =)

Sending. Sent. Qasem grab his Balckberry Bold 9930 tightly.As if doing that could change the situation that he will find himself in.


Qarina : Dapat tengok bola terus lupa kat I kan? Untungla dapat bf cam u.esok ade anak sume ajar tengok bola lupekan mak die terus! Tengokla bola u tuh smpi kiamat. kang da kiamat kang barula text i balik k.bai!

Qasem buried his face onto the table sideways. 

"Meghajok lagi ka depa?", Qamarol asked, knowing the answer so well.

Qassem smiled. Turned his attention back to his smartphone, clicked on the delete button, and turned off his phone for good. 

"Nasib ko la nak mrajok-mrajok. Layan game lagi best!", Qasem said to himself and swiftly focusing his attention to the goal that Nani just scored. He roared! And celebrated the goal, unknowingly that Qarina was roaring how bad Qasem was as a bf to her roomates. 

Salam peeps,

Of course, you have heard by now that Palestine, under the guidance of President Mahmoud Abbas, has already appealed to the UN for Palestine to be recognise as a state. A move that was refuted by President Barack Obama himself. 

Obama spoke at the UN General Assembly yesterday, using his veto power, to "advice" President Mahmoud Abbas and it's people to stall their application of statehood recognition to the UN and continue with it's peace talk with their Israeli's counterpart.

This clearly shows where Obama,in particular, and the administration of the United States, in general, stands in the never ending Palestine-Israeli Conflict. 

Continuing with the "Peace Talk"? What "Peace Talk"?
Since his early days of elected President, Obama has been portrayed  as the persona that is going to put an end to the Middle East conflicts, giving peace to Arab world. His main policy was to embrace Islam and recognise it as a religion of peace. His address in the University of Cairo, Egypt not so long ago was a spark of things to come from his administration, a further understanding of Muslim world. However, days gone by from his inspiring trip to Cairo, the conflicts are still on-going. Tunisia, Egypt, even Libya, all have fall under the conflicts that Obama himself sworn to abolish. Quiet the contrary.

The peace talk that Obama has so fondly defends has done nothing to improve the situation in the Palestine-Israel conflict. So far, Obama's "negotiation for peace" has been nothing but beautiful words printed out in the media just so that the world sees them as a peacemaker, trying so hard to erase the memories of so many wars that the US has initiated or assist in any way possible. 

Although Obama himself said that he wants to see a Palestinian state within a year, he resents the move that Abbas took in order to gain recognition. Obama believes only negotiation can bring peace to a century-old conflict, not by forced lenience to the world's governing body. 

Even so, no such milestone has been reached in Obama's tenure as peacemaker for the Palestine-Israel conflict. If his so called "Peace Talk" method should continue, then we might never see a recognized Palestinian state, only Palestine people oppressed in their own land. 

Hopefully, some consensus can be reached with the Abbas-Obama-Netanyahu pack, although we all now that Netanyahu is not one to be pleased easily. 

Viva La Palestine!

PS : more updates to come!

Salam peeps, 

Its that time of the week again for another Ayedology's Original, Five Things We Learned from the football fiesta we had on the weekends! First of all, I think it's fair to say that they were some unexpected results, shocking really. Although I really REALLY hate Liverpool, you've gotta say it was totally unfair the way they went down at White Hart Lane by that margin of goal despite having a good start in the season. 

Sympathy aside, glad to see the Devils is on track of retaining their title this season by completing a 3-1 rout over  a Chelsea under new management. Guess you can't emulate what your predecessors that easily eh Villa-Boas? So here's what we learn from some of the crucial games we had on the weekends;

1. Fernando Torres just can't score even with an open goal.
He had two chances clear on goal. The one he dribbled past two defenders but blasted the ball upwards. The other he managed to round up De Gea but somehow forgot how to finish it off. He had me LMAO! at the crowded mamak where I was. 50 million pounds full of blunders and pathetic football coming right up!

2. Arsenal is Titanic waiting to hit the iceberg.
Had the chance to score many goals at Ewood Park in the 1st half, even with Blackburn threatening through set pieces with Samba and Nzonzi, but didn't converge them into goals. Things didn't go well in the 2nd half either. Two soft own goals from Song & Koscielny and a surprisingly lackluster performance form Szczesny, they let themselves down yet again. And they inch closer & closer to the iceberg in front.

3. Liverpool aren't a resilient team.
Competitively, Liverpool have never recorded a came-from-behind win so far this season. They have notched up very good results from the start, but when they conceded first, they seemed to lost the resilience they once had (Remember Istanbul 2005?). Teams that wins title are teams has resilience. When you're down, and your players seem to go down in mentality, you just can't win a game. Man Utd showed the caliber and quality of a title winning team last season, notably Rooney's outburst in the 4-2 came-from-behind win over West Ham. If they still want to taste how a 19th title feels like, Liverpool needs to know how to be resilient and win at all cost! 

4. Rooney is on fire & he have to start all the games!
9 goals in 5 games. This season might be he's breakthrough season after all. The picture says it all.

5. Ashley Cole is one son-of-a-b***h!
Football's most hated person is at it again. This time he's prey was the innocent Chicarito. Got his leg straight to Chica's shin, bruised the poor kid, and got nothing but a yellow card, and then questioned the decision of the referee. God how I wish I could punch his ugly face right there and then. You lucky I can't afford a G6. If I did, I might just flew to Old Trafford and give a piece of my mind! 
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